Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Public Policy free essay sample

It restricted the creation and utilization of mixed refreshments. The administration felt that to decrease the liquor utilization they would dispense with any organizations that produced, disseminated or sold liquor (Grahm, 2012) . Disallowance end up being a disappointment from the beginning. The laws relating to preclusion were tricky to such an extent that it therefore included an excessive number of the issues that it proposed to settle. Coming up next is an outline of the restraint developments prompting the eighteenth Amendment of the Constitution and the advantages and burdens of Prohibition. Moderation developments were essential keys to the sanction of the eighteenth amendment. Restraint from the outset implied keeping away from refined mixers, yet later would be the finished evasion of liquor. Restraint developments began in 1840 with the strict sections, 1869 with the Prohibition Party, 1874 with the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union and 1893 with the Anti-Social Saloon League (Wikipedia, 2012). These developments were the essential supporters that passed the eighteenth Amendment of the Constitution. We will compose a custom exposition test on Open Policy or on the other hand any comparable theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page All together for a change to be passed the House of Representatives and the Senate must endorse by seventy five percent vote. On January 29, 1919, with votes of 255 to 166 (Wikipedia, 2012), the Secretary of State declared that on January sixteenth thirty-six states had sanctioned the correction and hence it had become a piece of the Constitution. This disallowed the state to sell, trade, produce, transport, import, send out, convey, outfit or have any inebriating alcohols. There were exclusions for clinical needs and close to lager was permitted as long as it contained a limit of 5% liquor (Grahm, 2012). Ultimatley, Prohibition fizzled in light of the fact that it attempted to wipe out the flexibly of liquor without lessening the interest for liquor. The monetary law of gracefully and request reveals to us that this will bring about a cost increment and huge motivating forces to violate the law. Works Cited Grahm, C. (2012). The United States Prohibition of Alcohol 1920-1933. Recovered April 18, 2012, from

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Dowry System free essay sample

Today, Indian culture is encircled with numerous issues, for example, joblessness, lack of education, populace development, fear mongering, and so on. Among these issues, a difficult which is profound established in Indian culture is the issue of share framework. It has become the consistently news thing, no day dies when we dont hear news identifying with endowment passing or settlement provocation. The incongruity lies in the way that ladies in India are venerated as shakti, she is singed and bugged by her parents in law consistently in one piece of the country or the other. Endowment, in normal sense, alludes to cash, blessings, products or domain that spouse brings to her significant other in marriage The share has a long history in Europe, South Asia, Africa and different pieces of the world. The arrangement of endowment is profound established in the Indian culture since the beginning of the history. This framework won in old Indian culture, in antiquated period share was the piece of the custom of kanyadan which was altogether different from present day endowment. We will compose a custom article test on Share System or on the other hand any comparable subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Among the eight sorts of relationships perceived by smritis, it was uniquely in the Brahma marriage that father parted with his little girl, with such endowments and presents as he could manage, to a man of unrivaled character . In the medieval period, the endowment, which was prior viewed as dakshina (blessing offered energetically), turned into a shrewd, father so as to wed her girl brought to the table cash requested by grooms family. In medieval occasions, the settlement framework had immersed the general public at disturbing rate, however it was polished in the refined and illustrious families. The additional common pride which rich individuals took

Sunday, July 26, 2020

The Science of Sleep A Brief Guide on How to Sleep Better Every Night

The Science of Sleep A Brief Guide on How to Sleep Better Every Night Sleep is that golden chain that ties health and our bodies together. Thomas DekkerSleeping to some is one of the best things you can do while others just view it as a necessary distraction from other important things.Whatever you feel about it, you can’t escape sleep.Could you even do without it?Let’s examine the science of sleep and find out why we need to sleep, what happens when we sleep and figure out what are some ways that would help us sleep better every night.WHY WE NEED SLEEP?If you’ve been following the news and social media chatter recently, you have probably noticed the increasing focus on sleep.We’re constantly being bombarded with tips to sleep better and studies showing how much, where and when we should sleep.So, what’s behind this focus on sleep?Does it really matter how much you sleep and how you sleep?Three key purposes of sleepThe answer to those questions lies in the purpose of sleep.Essentially, sleep has three main functions and each of these purpose s hold a key to understanding why you definitely want to focus on sleeping better.The core key purposes of sleep are:Restoration. When you go about your day, your brain is hard at work. All those neurological reactions and actions accumulate metabolic waste in your brain. This might sound alarming â€" waste in my brain?! â€" but it is completely normal. However, too much of the waste could lead to neurological problems. According to research, the brain can get rid of metabolic waste and sleep is an important component in this. Although your brain does flush out some of the waste when you are awake, the clearance speeds up almost two-fold when you sleep. It’s no wonder we tend to feel so much fresher in the morning â€" your brain just dumped some garbage!Memory consolidation. Sleep is also essential for memory consolidation, which refers to your ability to maintain long-term memories. If you don’t sleep enough, your brain won’t be able to form concrete memories and emotional st ories.Metabolic health. Studies have also pointed out that sleep plays a key role in maintaining a healthy metabolic rhythm. When you get adequate sleep, your body is able to burn more fat and build muscle. When you don’t sleep, you increase your chances of insulin insensitivity and metabolic syndrome.The problem of not sleeping enoughAnother way of looking at the importance of sleep is by examining the effects of not sleeping.If your body and mind are able to benefit when you sleep, does improper sleep do damage?Lack of sleep is frankly harmful and by sacrificing your sleep, you’re not just giving up on having a proper rest, but you’re actually putting your physical and mental health at risk.To put it bluntly, lack of sleep hinders your brain ability to function. If you go on without sleeping for long periods, you’ll probably start suffering from symptoms like:GrumpinessGrogginessIrritabilityForgetfulnessShort-temperedIndeed, by skipping sleep for one night, you will lower your ability to concentrate.Your attention span shortens and you find yourself unable to focus.According to one study, by staying awake for 17 hours, you decrease your performance by the equivalent of having an alcohol blood level of 0.05%.Essentially, staying up for too long is the same as downing two glasses of wine!More alarmingly, continuous lack of sufficient sleep will deepen these problems and you’ll soon start doing more damage to your brain.Just as I mentioned sleeping has the function to improve your memory consolidating, lack of sleep will mean the parts responsible for memories are hindered.Your brain will have lowered its ability to control language, memories, planning and even sense of time is affected.Studies have pointed out that sleep loss is a major factor in the following problems and diseases:Memory problemsMetabolic disordersCardiovascular diseaseCertain cancersObesity and type 2 diabetesQuite frankly, lack of sleep can cause serious damage to your physical he alth, but also influence your mood.The less you sleep, the more you might suffer from anxiety and other such problems.So, the purpose of sleep is to keep as healthier and happier.WHAT HAPPENS WHEN WE SLEEP?With all that in minds, sleep sounds like a magical journey â€" all the restoration and repair!What exactly is sleep and what does the body do to enjoy all of these benefits?Sleeping is a cycleSleeping is essentially a cycle â€" when you sleep you are performing the sleep-wake cycle. This cycle has two crucial parts:Slow wave sleep. The slow wave sleep is also known as deep sleep. During this wave, your body relaxes and goes to a renovating and repairing mode. Your brain is not as responsive to external stimuli any longer, making waking up difficult. You will have a regular breathing rhythm, your blood pressure drops and your pituitary glands start releasing growth hormone. The hormone stimulates tissue growth and helps muscles repair. There’s also some indication that your body ’s immune system repairs itself during this stage.REM sleep. REM, which stands for Rapid Eye Movement, is another part of the sleep-wake cycle. The cycle has similar effects to the above, but instead of repairing your body, you are repairing your mind. The brain becomes quiet during REM sleep. It clears irrelevant information, boosts your memory by creating neural connections and you even enhance your sleeping. The phase occurs in short bursts a few times during the night, during which your blood pressure goes up, your heart speeds up and your body temperature increases.As you can make out, both cycles are crucial for you. During one, your body is repairing while during the other you are improving your mental health.The five stages of sleepThe above is a great way to describe what happens during sleep and the restorative effect sleep has on your body and mind.But you can look deeper into the act of sleeping.If you do, you’ll find out that there are five stages of sleep, each wit h their unique purposes and functions.Doctor Diana L. Walcutt has outlined the five stages of sleep. The stages are determined by the brain waves that are active during each phase. This refers to the waves you’d see in an EEG or electro encephala graph. The five stages are:Stage One. The brain goes through the Alpha and Theta waves. These waves can happen even during the day, during a period we often refer to as ‘day-dreaming’. You can even practice the alpha waves during meditation. Slowly, you’ll start drifting towards theta, which is just a short period before we fall asleep.Stage Two. The second stage sees our brains produce rapid, short waves called sleep spindles. The body temperature drops and heart rate slows down.Stage Three. During stage three, your brain is creating deep and slow waves called delta waves. This is the transitional period of moving from light sleep to deep sleep.Stage Four. In the fourth sleep, you enter delta sleep. This is deep sleep and referred to as the slow wave sleep.Stage Five: REM. Finally, you have our friend REM sleep. Your voluntary muscles are actually paralyzed during this time, yet your brain is busy producing dreams.According to Dr Walcutt, the stages don’t always occur in the particular sequence and you might go through different stages more than once a night.But knowing these cycles can be important in enhancing your sleep â€" you want to ensure your body goes through enough stages to gain the benefits of the rejuvenating and recovering stages of REM and slow wave sleep.Circadian rhythm to dictate it allSo, how does this cycling happen?It’s actually something normal and our sleep cycles are determined by our individual biological cycles called circadian rhythm.The circadian rhythm essentially dictates when different biological events take place in your body during a day. You can see some example timings from the image below: Source: Lux Review post on circadian rhythmsThe pattern of circadian rhythm is not set in stone and individuals have some differences in terms of when they are in their deepest sleep or reducing the most cortisol.However, some elements of the rhythm can be influenced by factors â€" some of which you can control.Three main factors impact the biological rhythm:Light, which is perhaps the most influential of all three factors. If you stare at a bright light for 30-minuts, you will reset the circadian rhythm, even if you do this in the middle of the night. This is, generally, why the rising of the sun triggers the transition to a new biological function.Time, in terms of your daily schedule and routines. The tasks you do during the day and the specific time of day in which you do them has consequences on your sleep-wake cycle.Melatonin, which is the hormone that causes you to feel drowse. The normal production of it is very predictable it increases after dark and decreases right before dawn.HOW TO SLEEP BETTER?How do you sleep better?What does the above science of knowing how we sleep and what happens during sleep tell us about improving our sleep?Here are four categories for improving your sleep, with different tips on how to achieve just that.Improve how and when you fall asleepSince your sleep is dictated by your body’s biological rhythm, you need to ensure your tuned with the schedule.You essentially need to improve how and when you fall asleep.Finding the right time for sleeping is essentially about figuring your inner circadian clock. Now you should do this by listening to your body for a few weeks and keeping track of the signals it’s giving you.In the evening, monitor when you start feeling sleepy and test different bed times to figure out at what point do you seem the fall asleep the easiest.Do the same in the morning (as much as you can).Spend the weekend by going to sleep as soon as you feel like it and allowing your body to wake up naturally. Test different times and find the hours that seem most refreshing to your body.Although different people might find different sleeping times better, research does suggest we should be getting close to eight hours of sleep each night.If you find falling asleep problematic, seek out rituals that help you fall asleep.You don’t want to toss and turn in bed â€" you should fall into deep sleep within seven to ten minutes from going to bed.Some popular ways to fall asleep quicker include:Stop using electronics an hour before bedtime.Dim the lights.Have a warm bath, with added bath salts like Epsom salt.Drink warm milk.Meditate before falling asleepRead a book or listen to relaxing music.Indeed, there are different relaxation techniques you should use to improve your sleep cycle.Interestingly, research suggests that nearly half of all cases of insomnia are caused by stress.Therefore, you should consider figuring out a way to relax your body and mind before sleep to ensure you’re not filled w ith anxious thoughts.As mentioned already, meditation can work well. But you should also consider journaling, deep breathing or exercising a bit before your bedtime.Increase your sleep durationYou should also focus on improving the amount of time you sleep and ensuring you are able to go through the sleep-wake cycle without harmful interruptions.The first thing to do is to find the natural time for you to wake up. Now, this is not as easy in the modern world where you might have work and other such obligations to stop you from sleeping until you are happy.However, you can wake up at a set time, feeling better, if you just increase the amount of time you sleep.To do this, go to bed earlier, rather than change the time when you wake up. Furthermore, test your wakeup time as much as you can. It is possible even changing the clock by 15-minutes, you feel better.So, start sleeping earlier rather than just focusing on sleeping longer in the morning. You can find the best sleeping cycle by testing different durations and timings. You might require 9-hours of sleep between 10pm and 7am or you might feel the best when you sleep â€"hours from 12am to 9am.You might even feel happy with just 7-hours of sleep â€" no matter what time of night. Mix your sleeping around as much as possible and find the right amount of sleep for your body.You could also use an app that calculates your natural sleep cycle.Check out, for example, the review of one such app here: Enhance the quality of sleepBut sleep’s benefits don’t just come from the number of hours you sleep and the closeness of following your circadian rhythm. You also need to pay attention the quality of your sleep â€" the effectiveness of the sleep cycle.You should aim to boost the intensity of your sleep. The depth and quality of your sleep are directly linked to things like:Your diet â€" you need to eat healthier foods, such as vegetables and fruit. You also want to skip insulin-spiking foods like sugar and refined ca rbs close to your sleeping time.The lighting in the room â€" you also need to pay attention to the lighting. You need to have fewer lights when you’re trying to sleep and ensure you start your day with a dose of light to ensure circadian rhythm stays in motion.Your physical health â€" you can also improve the quality of sleep by exercising regularly. Exercise helps to add healthy doses of stress on the body and kick-starts the repair processes faster at night. You should avoid exercising at least three hours before you want to sleep, as otherwise you might find falling asleep tricky.The sleeping temperature â€" it’s also possible to improve the sleep-wake cycle with the room’s temperature. According to studies, the perfect room temperature for sleep is 18 to 24 Celsius (65 to 75 Fahrenheit).Implement healthy and sleep-boosting habitsOverall, you should adopt a few healthy and sleep-boosting habits.These can improve your ability to fall asleep and make it easier to stay asleep, guaranteeing your quality of sleep is good.The most effective sleep-boosting habits are:Spending enough time outdoors. Exposure to sunlight is important for sleep because it guarantees your circadian rhythm works properly and helps boost your mood.Avoiding caffeine, alcohol and tobacco. Caffeine can cause problems in the sleep cycle, along with alcohol and tobacco. You should consider avoiding tobacco altogether as it has been linked with sleep disorders in studies. With caffeine, you could still enjoy some; just make sure you leave enough time between having to sleep and drinking it. Alcohol â€" like many things in life â€" should be enjoyed only in moderation.Proper hydration. Your body needs water to repair itself overnight and you should drink enough water during the day to enjoy the refreshing benefits at night. If you find yourself waking up at night feeling thirsty or you are thirsty first thing in the morning, it might be a sign that you’re not hydrated enough. Increase y our water intake (just don’t leave it all right before bedtime!).Use bedroom just for sleeping and having sex. You should use your bedroom only for sleeping or having fun with your partner â€" working or doing many other things in the room can cause it to feel depressing and stressful. In addition, you should make your bed a smartphone, laptop and tablet-free zone. You definitely need to stop using the phone before you want to go to sleep.FINAL THOUGHTSWhen it comes to sleeping better, knowing the science behind your sleep can help.It gives you the understanding of the importance of sleep and how damaging it can be to your body and mind to not sleep enough.You’ll also understand the importance and function of the sleep cycles and you can use the information to create sleeping habits that improve your quality and the quantity of your sleep.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Capital Punishment A Cruel And Violent Process - 1343 Words

Thesis: Capital punishment is a cruel and violent process that is extremely expensive to many taxpayers, discriminating against one s race and well being in justifying cases, and overall has a negative effect on society. I. High in cost A. Life in prison B. Cost of taxes C. Cost of programs II. Discrimination in cases A. Wealth B. Racism III. Violent in application A. Cruel and unusual B. Denial and rights IV. Counters of argument A. Statistics B. Deterrence C. Life Capital punishment is a cruel and violent process that is extremely expensive to many taxpayers, discriminating against one s race and well being in justifying cases, and overall has a negative effect on society. A black male who was accused for murder was wrongfully†¦show more content†¦Joe Messerli states, Capital punishments costs nearly 2-5 times more than life in prison without the chance of parole. The extra cost to capital cases become outrageous, making the Death Penalty highly looked against. The Death penalty should substituted with a better sanction. This form of punishment costs thousands of dollars per case, one can see how tax dollars are adding up only to harm humanity. Abolishing Capital punishment is the solution. According to Joe Messerli, in long trial cases taxpayers end up paying for  ¨Judges, attorneys, court reporters, clerks, and court facilities ¨ during a capital case. All theses extra things that need to be paid for are all paid by the state s taxpayers, very unfair to society just to take the life away from one. In California taxpayers pay $90,000 more per inmate on death row than regular prisoners housed in jail ( ¨10 Reasons ¨). The Death Penalty costs today s society s taxpayers unreasonable amounts of money for the cases. Undoubtedly, the extra tax dollars being spent on these cases will negatively affect society, and removing Capital punishment will only improve the issue. During capital cases the extra expenses taxpayers pay for could be better spent on other programs bettering society. The extra costs that are spent on capital cases could be better spent on:  ¨education, roads, police officers, and public safety programs... ¨ ( ¨10 reasons ¨). The Death Penalty is an all round large investment that could be better

Friday, May 8, 2020

Persuasive Speech On Flip-Flops - 1674 Words

Persuasive Speech Outline Presenter: Student Name Questions Type: Policy Organization: Classical Argument General Purpose: To persuade. Specific Purpose: To persuade the class to stop wearing flip-flops Central Idea: People should not wear flip-flops because there are risks of injury, infection, and they cross fashion boundaries. I. Introduction A. They say you should always put your best foot forward. But what if that foot is not the best it could be? B. Today I am here to persuade you to ditch your flip-flops. C. After researching the many perils of wearing flip-flops, I have learned that there are more disadvantages than benefits to wearing flip-flops. D. Today I will be discussing 1. The history of flip-flops 2. Accidents that may be†¦show more content†¦Accidents caused by wearing flip-flops A. CNN Health published an article in 2012 by Marina Csomor that warns of the accidents that may be caused by wearing flip-flops. 1. Falling down 2. Twisting ankles 3. Breaking bones a. All due to the lack of structural integrity of the shoe. B. In 2004 Weymouth High School banned students from wearing flip-flops to school citing safety concerns. 1. In an article in The Boston Globe, School Committee Chairman, Sean Guilfoyle, reports that prior to the ban students were at risk of many foot injuries. a. Tripping on the stairs b. The high school offers many vocational programs that require students to wear sturdy boots. i. Flip-flops in the hallways didn’t stand a chance against the work boots, which increases the number of flip-flop related injury. 2. High schools across the country have banned flip-flops as part of the school dress code due to the risk of injury. C. Web MD also suggests that flip-flops pose a threat while driving. 1. Flip-flops may become wedged under the break or gas pedal potentially causing serious traffic accidents. Transition: While broken bones and factures will heal in time, there are more serious and prolonged side effects of wearing flip-flops. IV. Physical effects of wearing flip-flops A. There are several physical consequences to wearing flip-flops. Some cause periods of pain, and others cause more lasting effects. 1. In an article titled to â€Å"Flip Flop Or Not,† the First Foot and Ankle Clinic, points toShow MoreRelatedPersuasive Speech Outline The Importance of Recycling Essay702 Words   |  3 Pages Persuasive Speech Outline The Importance of Recycling Title: Recycling General Purpose: To Persuade the audience Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience to recycle materials for saving the Earth. Central Idea: You should recycle materials because it can help the Earth save i. Introduction (Attention) A. Attention getter – How many people read a paper on a daily bases? How many people throw it in the trash when they are done? How many people drink some sort of bottled drink throughoutRead MoreGraydon : An Analysis2220 Words   |  9 Pages With the pages of his manuscript in hand, I visit Graydon. As he leads me into the kitchen, his body gives off a coconut scent. Not a hint of alcohol. And he’s dressed in khaki shorts and a navy tee shirt with flip flops. A sign he’s been up for a while. â€Å"Coffee?† â€Å"Yes, thanks.† He takes two colored mugs from the glass cabinet and fills them with coffee. I glance around the ultra-modern kitchen that’s bright with pale walls, hanging copper pots and a sliding door the length of the patio. â€Å"TheRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words   |  1617 Pagestime? 3. Would the students start protesting even more if the principal stopped the newspaper? 4. When the welfare of the school is threatened, does the principal have the right to give orders to students? 5. Does the principal have the freedom of speech to say no in this case? 6. If the principal stopped the newspaper, would he be preventing full discussion of important problems? 7. Would the principal’s stop order make Rami lose faith in him? 8. Is Rami really loyal to his school and patriotic toRead MoreBrand Building Blocks96400 Words   |  386 Pagessuccessful. If you picture a successful person, it takes you off in a different direction -- that of an action-oriented, perhaps even aggressive type. Finally, try not to come up with a whole laundry list of adjectives. Bring those powerful parts of speech down to two or three words that really convey the essence. Now, when you sit down to write a personality description, you need not subject yourself to a blank sheet of paper. Because there are three factors that can give you a substantial head

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Bean Trees and Brave New World Free Essays

Brave New World vs. The Bean Trees The novels Brave New World and The Bean Trees both show suffering and people trying to pursue their own happiness. In Brave New World, John suffers through his unhappiness. We will write a custom essay sample on Bean Trees and Brave New World or any similar topic only for you Order Now In The Bean Trees, Taylor Greer goes through the same situation. They both go through the process of suffering to reach the same goal, which is to find happiness. In Brave New World, John becomes out casted by both the New Mexico Savage Reservation and the World State. With living in the World State and their version of â€Å"happiness†, John begs for the right to feel emotion. He sees the World State as giving off artificial happiness, but he wants true happiness and true emotion. He pleads, â€Å"I don’t want comfort, I want God, I want poetry, I want real danger, I want freedom, I want goodness. I want sin. † He takes his values from the works of Shakespeare which helps him to voice his own emotions and reactions, it gives him a framework from which to comment on World State values, and it gives him the language that helps him hold his own in confrontation. Shakespeare shows all the values that the World State does not have. From reading the works, John wants to reject the shallow â€Å"happiness† of the World State, he becomes unable to control his temptations for Lenina, and ultimately he commits suicide. John taking part in the final orgy and later committing suicide can become viewed as the product of an insanity made by the conflict between his values and the reality of the World State. John never reached his goal due to him committing suicide. In The Bean Trees, Taylor Greer leaves her home in Kentucky to make a new life for herself. Along the way, a woman gives Taylor a child which she names Turtle. At first, caring for Turtle does not come easily to her, but over time she grows to love Turtle as her own. Taylor becomes forced to mature quickly which brings on another struggle for her. High School has only been behind her for a few years and she already has to take on the responsibility of providing for a child. She also needs to raise money on her own, not only for herself but also for Turtle. Finding a place to live became her responsibility, too. Estevan and Esperanza’s struggles with aving to give up their child and the trauma of Turtle getting attacked one day, forces Taylor to struggle through depression. The police investigation on the attack shows that Taylor is not the legal guardian of Turtle which brings up another struggle for her until Taylor comes up with a plan to adopt her. In the end, Taylor’s plan works, Taylor and Turtle now have a home in Tucson, and Esperanza and Estevan safely live at their new home in Oklahoma. Taylor struggled through life’s challenges but by the end of the novel she finds a new meaning for â€Å"family† and becomes appreciative of the miracles given to her each day. The struggles of the human condition become resolved for the current time in the lives that Taylor has touched. Ultimately, Taylor did reach her goal of happiness because she found family in the people around her and a new life in Tucson. Both of the characters went through much suffering on their pursuit of happiness. They handled their suffering in different ways though. John rebelled against the World State to gain his happiness whereas Taylor took what came to her and found her happiness with what she was given. How to cite Bean Trees and Brave New World, Papers

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Sister Carrie free essay sample

An analysis of the book Sister Carrie by Theodore Dreiser. A paper which presents a detailed discussion about the book Sister Carrie by Theodore Dreiser. The book addresses the boom of industrialism that besieged America and the way that industrialism affected the relationships of people. The writer of this paper presents an overview of the book and then enters a discussion as to the books meaning, theme and impact. The story underscores the mindset of society during a time where machines were threatening to take over jobs(Rabinbach pg 132). It was a time in which people could quickly rise to the top in management positions but they would go out on a limb and get themselves in above their heads financially. It did not take long to discover that jobs could be lost at the management level as people scrambled in upward motions to survive the industrial attrition aspect of society. We will write a custom essay sample on Sister Carrie or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Carrie was a woman caught without skills, or a way to survive and she did what millions of women in her era did(Smith pg 78). She turned to men to take care of her.